Sunday, July 29, 2012

Take Home Reading

Practicing reading at least 20 minutes every night will help you improve your reading.  Your child's b-bag contains one or two books that should be “Just Right” for him/her.  It should not be too easy that your child can read it and know every word and read it very smoothly.  The book should not be too hard so that he/she has to fix-up 4 or more words on a page.  This will make the book too hard to understand.  A “Just Right Book” should challenge a child to practice using your reading fix-it strategies 2-3 times on a page.  Your child's job every week is to READ BOTH BOOKS EACH NIGHT—Monday through Wednesday.  He/she rereads the books each day so that by Wednesday, your child should be able to read the bookfluently like a story teller with great expression, appropriate pauses and a just right rate.  If your child gets stuck on a word, use the bookmarker that is in the front pouch of the book bag.  Please help your child complete the reading log in the b-bag by having the family member who listened to him/her read check off and sign that the assingment was completed each night.  If you don't have the log, you can download a copy of the Reading Log Form .
On Thursday RETURN THE BACKPACK, READING LOG, BOOK, AND BOOKMARKER!!!!!!  I hope you and your child enjoy the booksJ
Family members and students, please feel free to use the area below the reading log to write down any comments, questions or concerns regarding either the book, activity, or the reading program.  Your comments are welcomed and appreciated.

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